Feedly’s New Knowledge Boards Keep Your Team on the Same Page

According to organizational psychology, a team is “two or more people working together to achieve a common goal.” Only 11 words to say it, but so much more to make it a reality. With Feedly’s new knowledge boards, you can help your team identify, clarify, and achieve its goals—all from your Web browser, smartphone, or other mobile device.

A knowledge board is a safe and secure private library that can be built  and shared instantly using any of Feedly’s easy-to-use tools . Items that are added in one place—say, your iPad—are instantly available to all team members on all devices. This makes knowledge boards the ideal brainstorming tool, especially for remote or distributed teams.

Collaborate and Curate

If you’re already a Feedly user, you know how valuable it is for collecting and curating content from all across the Web—even files from your Google Drive or Dropbox accounts. Team knowledge boards combine that individual user power with all the added features of Team Feedly, such as annotations, text highlighting, and even Slack-channel integration. It just takes a few clicks, and your entire team will have access to the resources and information you add to your knowledge board.


In addition, team members can add notes and highlights to shared content, giving the rest of the team a basis to discuss and possibly update or remove items from the board. This keeps the content fresh and relevant throughout the project. And by sharing content through a curated, topic-specific knowledge board rather than through random email trails, teams can quickly identify and understand the important aspects of the material you share without the background noise.

Monitor and Measure

it’s an old business adage that “that which gets measured gets done.” With Team Feedly, team managers and administrators can access stats and analytics to better gauge their team’s engagement with the content they’re sharing. In terms of performance management, this can be a great way to identify potential communication issues before they cause problems, or to quickly resolve issues afterwards. Critical updates can be monitored to ensure that all team members are aware of them and are working from the latest information and specs.


Periodic Email Digests

Team knowledge boards can also be configured to send regular email updates to keep team members and other stakeholders informed of recent developments and additions.

On top of all of that, should you find you need custom features that haven’t yet been incorporated into Team Feedly, you can always make use of Feedly’s API to create a custom experience that is perfect for your team, your project, or your management style.

To learn more, visit www.feedly.com/pro or contact pro@feedly.com today.


Mastering the Three C’s of Content Marketing


In more than 20 years in publishing, I’ve worn quite a few titles—copywriter, art director, production manager, managing editor.

Content marketer is more than just another title, though.

It’s an evolutionary shift.

Until now, we could safely specialize in the one or two things we did well because there was someone else to tend to the rest. The direct mail team could be happy with their 3% bump in conversions because the falling event sales were someone else’s problem. The corporate sponsorship team didn’t mind that they were sending duplicate campaigns to the same people as the education team because as long as they got the ROI, it was all the same to them. 

Now, we’re in the Age of Content and a provincial attitude like that won’t cut it. So here are my three C’s of content marketing—the attitudes that will prime you for content marketing success—as well as examples of tools to enable them.


With the rapid evolution of the role and the constantly shifting environment we have to keep pace with, content marketers are often counted on to be the ones with the answer—no matter what the question is.

For a content marketer, being curious is Job #1.

If you’ve come to content marketing from the creation side, this is most likely already deep in your DNA. Most creatives are at least partly driven by a strong interest in the world and in seeing what’s out there. This is especially true for those from a journalism background. For everyone else, this may require a little work. More than in marketing other products, casting a wide net for ideas and influences to promote your content is a necessity. That means aggregation and curation. 

I rely on an old school standby for these—the feed reader. Based on their overall  user experience (especially on mobile), there are only two that I would recommend: 

Feedly—Feedly was the great savior when Google discontinued Reader in 2013. Thanks to an amazingly simple import feature, users were able to pick up where they left off almost without a hitch. Same logins, same feeds, zero effort.

Flipboard—Coming on the scene in 2010, Flipboard took a similar approach to Feedly, but with a slightly fancier interface. Nominally a “build your own magazine” product, its reputation is for innovative design rather than breakthrough functions. Being a default app on Samsung phones of a particular generation definitely helped spread its fame. 

As I said, they’re similar. The difference is in discovery. Flipboard provides more heavily curated sources, where Feedly offers easier access to sources off the beaten path. Since our goal is to cast a wide net, I give it to Feedly on points.


It’s almost a content developer party game by now to ask someone whether creating good content is an Art or a Science and see where they land. (I believe Science has the edge currently, but that may be more about defending our budgets against the ROI police than actual conviction).

The problem is, neither is correct.

Creating good content is the craft of making science look like art.

It is critical that you understand, accept, and internalize this definition. Otherwise, you will likely place too much emphasis on either Art or Science and find yourself in one of two failing positions.

Placing too much emphasis on Art is what leads people to discount the data and insist on their own way against all known best practices. It’s for the Mad Men types who are more interested in “winning” than in building relationships through content.

Placing too much emphasis on Science, though, gives us things like spam, pop-ups, and compulsive listicle making. They work—but only for a little while and only for some things.

Craftsmanship is a wholly different mindset. Doug Powell’s definition captures it well.

A craftsman possesses both knowledge of the work necessary to produce excellence and the attention to detail necessary to recognize it from the beginning to the end of his or her work. 

My examples only include one of the much-hyped analytics-based products that so many content marketers swear by. I’ve chosen to skip most of those for two reasons:

  1. They cost a ton of money and it’s already an uphill climb to get and keep a content marketing budget.
  2. They might take you from good to great, but they won’t do anything for you if you haven’t gotten to good yet. Baby steps, folks. Baby steps.

Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analyzer—this site is a simultaneous pat on the back and kick in the pants. It hasn’t been updated in ages, so it’s possible the rating algorithms are stale, but as far as I can see a high score is still meaningful (the title of this post went through a few rounds there). This would also work well in tandem with Google’s Keyword Planner.

Buzzsumo—Buzzsumo is the latest addition to my toolkit and probably the most likely to appear in someone else’s list. Unfortunately, it’s $1,300 a year and I don’t have the budget for that. However, it’s handy connections to Twitter and LinkedIn make even the 14-day free trial worthwhile, even if just to build your network. A quick dip into the content analysis tools will give you some really good ideas to work with, as well.

A note about Trendspottr and similar predictive analytics products: use with care. Trying to time the market doesn’t work unless you’re a hedgefund’s supercomputer. These tools may tilt the field a little, but not much.

Which leads me to….


The fact that we’re now in the era of data-driven marketing does not mean that everything you knew goes out the window, nor does it mean that data never lies. Content marketing as a term may be 20 years old, but content marketing as a dedicated business practice is much, much younger.

Here’s an especially apt quote from William Goldman about the original content marketers—Hollywood:

“Nobody knows anything. … Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work. Every time out it’s a guess and, if you’re lucky, an educated one.”

It’s okay to trust your gut sometimes.